Many Mountains Moving literary journal



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2002 Literary Events

>>Readings & Art Exhibitions
>>2003 Literary Events

Featured Salon Speakers

January 2002 Open planning meeting/open reading

February 2002 Marcia Douglas, author of novel Madame Fate (Soho Press) and the poetry collection Electricity Comes to Cocoa Bottom

March 2002 Renate Wood, author of book of poetry, Patience of Ice (Northwestern University Press)

April 2002 Edward W. Wood, Jr., author of nonfiction book On Being Wounded (Fulcrum Publishing)

May 2002 James Tipton, author of the book of poetry Letters from a Stranger (Conundrum Publishing), which received the Colorado Book Award for Poetry. His poems, along with their translations into Spanish by Isabel Allende, were published in Vol. IV, No. 3 of Many Mountains Moving.

June 2002 Poet Alonso Rab� Do Carmo of Peru and translator Trevor Van Galder.

July 2002 Marilyn Krysl is a widely published poet and author, with numerous books, most recently Warscape with Lovers and How to Accommodate Men. Her short story was also listed in Best American Short Stories 2000. She will read her short story, "Dinner with Osama."

August 2002 Former freelance writer John Calderazzo directs the MFA Creative Writing program at Colorado State University, where he teaches literary nonfiction writing and many other popular courses. He has published short stories, personal essays and literary journalism in Georgia Review, Witness, Carolina Quarterly, Orion, Audubon, and elsewhere. He's finishing a book, Where the Earth Begins: Volcanoes and Our Inner Lives, whose research has taken him around the world. His other books include an over-the-shoulder guide, Writing from Scratch: Freelancing, and a children's science book. He's a writing fellowship recipient from the Colorado Council on the Arts and in 1998 was chosen a "Best CSU Teacher."

September 2002 Jeffrey Ethan Lee won the Tupelo Press Literary Fiction Prize (forthcoming 2002). He has a poetry CD, identity papers, available from Drimala Records [], and he received a Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance grant (2001) to perform this work. He published strangers in a homeland, a poetry chapbook with Ashland Poetry Press (, and 150 poems, essays, etc. in publications such as Crazy Horse, CrossConnect, Many Mountains Moving, Green Mountains Review, Crab Orchard Review, Washington Square, and Barrow Street.

October 2002 Veronica Patterson is a graduate of Cornell University, the University of Michigan, the University of Northern Colorado, and Warren Wilson College (MFA). Her publications include two full-length collections of poetry, How to Make a Terrarium (Cleveland State University, 1987) and Swan, What Shores? (New York University Press, 2000), and one chapbook of prose poems, This Is the Strange Part (Pudding House Publications, 2002). Her poems have appeared in numerous publications including The Southern Poetry Review, The Colorado Review, Another Chicago Magazine, The Malahat Review, The Bloomsbury Review, Willow Springs, Many Mountains Moving, and New Letters. She received creating writing fellowships from the Colorado Council on the Arts in 1984 and 1997.

November 2002 Elyse Singleton is an award-winning journalist who has written for publications in the United States, England and New Zealand, among them, The Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Essence, New Zealand Women's Weekly and USA Today. This Side of the Sky is her first novel.

December 2002 Frederick Ramey is the co-editor of Blue Hen Books, a new imprint of Penguin-Putnam featuring debut novels. He will speak about his imprint, and will give tips for emerging novelists.

Reading/Art Exhibition

Tuesday, March 23, 2002, 7:30 p.m. Reading from Literature of Spirituality Issue at the Boulder Bookstore. Featured speakers: Cathy Capozzoli, guest editor; Naomi Horii, series editor; Toria Angelyn Clark, Joyanna Laughlin, Deborah Robson, and Beth Partin.

Thursday, April 4, 2002, 7:30 p.m. Featured speakers: Scott Kinnamon, moderator; Naomi Horii, series editor; Toria Angelyn Clark; Beth Partin; Keith Abbott; Doug Evans Betanco; Carolyn Dille; Judith Lavezzi; and Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer.

May 26, 2002 Reading/Art Exhibition at Fresh Art in Denver.

April, 2003 Month-Long Art Exhibition at Magnum Opus in Louisville. Reading and reception will be held on a date to be determined. Featured artists include Julie Maren.

July 25, 2002 Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (Afterhours) Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer is a public speaker and performance poet. She teaches poetry classes and has two books of poetry, lunaria and if you listen: poetry & photographs of the san juan mountains. She also has a poetry/music CD called The Nature of Love. Also featuring Alonso Rab� Do Carmo.

August 10, 2002 LoDo Tattered Cover (Denver) Michael Dorsey is a recipient of the Colorado Council on the Arts fellowship for fiction, and has been published in numerous journals. He has finished his short-story collection, Between Dreams. Kathryn Winograd is the author of the poetry collection Air into Breath (Ashland Poetry Press). She writes in different genres, including commercial writing and children's books. She will read from her latest poetry collection.


Sunday, April 14, 2002, 4:00 p.m. The Process of Picking Poetry at the Rocky Mountain Book Festival (Denver). Featured speakers: Naomi Horii, moderator; Debra Bokur, poetry editor of Many Mountains Moving; and Bin Ramke, editor of The Denver Quarterly; Stephanie G'Schwind, manager editor of The Colorado Review.

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