2010 MMM Press Poetry Book Prize Guidelines

2009 Many Mountains Moving Press Poetry Book Prize Winner |

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Congratulations to Renato Rosaldo, winner of the 2009 Many Mountains Moving Press Poetry Book Prize for "Diego Luna's Insider Tips," selected by Martìn Espada

About Renato Rosaldo:

An internationally known cultural anthropologist, Renato Rosaldo started writing poetry in English and Spanish while recovering from a stroke in 1996. His first book of poetry, Prayer to Spider Woman/Rezo a la mujer araña (ICOCULT, Saltillo), received an American Book Award (2004). Individual poems have won the El Andar poetry contest (2000) and the Many Mountains Moving poetry contest (2005). He is currently a Professor of Anthropology at New York University and Lucie Stern Professor in the Social Sciences Emeritus at Stanford University. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Rosaldo has done field research among the Ilongots of northern Luzon, Philippines, and he is the author of Ilongot Headhunting, 1883-1974: A Study in Society and History (1980), Rosaldo discovered many “bridges” between writing anthropology and writing poetry, and he coined a term—“antropoeta”—to describe the way he can move back and forth between the two modes of writing. He is also the author of Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis (1989). He is also the editor of Creativity/Anthropology (with Smadar Lavie and Kirin Narayan) (1993), Anthropology of Globlization (with Jon Inda) (2001), among other books. Professor Rosaldo has serves as President of the American Ethnological Society, Director of the Stanford Center for Chicano Research, and Chair of the Department of Anthropology. He left Stanford and now teaches at NYU.


Congratulations also to the runner up, Jose Padua, for "Here Comes the Monster."

Congratulations also to the other finalists:

Tricia Caspers-Ross for "Life with Fever"

Ginny Lowe Connors for "A Sea of Stingrays"

Amanda Warren for "Some Grain of Absolute among the Trembling"

And, finally, congratulations to the other finalists and semi-finalists whose works were selected for publication elsewhere during our reading process:

Melody Gee for "The Voice Before"

Joe Wilkins for "Ragged Point Road"

Patty Paine for "Oracle Bones"

Elisabeth Murawski for "Zorba's Daughter"

& Carol Quinn for "Acetylene"



About the judge Martin Espada:

Called “the Latino poet of his generation” and “the Pablo Neruda of North American authors,” Martín Espada was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1957. He has published sixteen books in all as a poet, editor, essayist and translator, including two collections of poems last year: Crucifixion in the Plaza de Armas (Smokestack, 2008), released in England, and La Tumba de Buenaventura Roig (Terranova, 2008), a bilingual edition published in Puerto Rico. The Republic of Poetry, a collection of poems published by Norton in 2006, received the Paterson Award for Sustained Literary Achievement and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Another collection, Imagine the Angels of Bread (Norton, 1996), won an American Book Award and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Other books of poetry include Alabanza: New and Selected Poems (Norton, 2003), A Mayan Astronomer in Hell’s Kitchen (Norton, 2000), City of Coughing and Dead Radiators (Norton, 1993), and Rebellion is the Circle of a Lover’s Hands (Curbstone, 1990). He has received numerous awards and fellowships, including the Robert Creeley Award, the Antonia Pantoja Award, the Charity Randall Citation, the Paterson Poetry Prize, the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award, the National Hispanic Cultural Center Literary Award, the Premio Fronterizo, two NEA Fellowships, the PEN/Revson Fellowship and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. His poems have appeared in the The New Yorker, The New York Times Book Review, Harper’s, The Nation and The Best American Poetry. He has also published a collection of essays, Zapata’s Disciple (South End, 1998); edited two anthologies, Poetry Like Bread: Poets of the Political Imagination from Curbstone Press (Curbstone, 1994) and El Coro: A Chorus of Latino and Latina Poetry (University of Massachusetts, 1997); and released an audiobook of poetry called Now the Dead will Dance the Mambo (Leapfrog, 2004). His work has been translated into ten languages. A former tenant lawyer, Espada is now a professor in the Department of English at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, where he teaches creative writing and the work of Pablo Neruda.



2009 Poetry Contest Update | 2009 Flash Fiction Update


Congratulations to the winner of the 2009 MMM Flash Fiction Contest, Francisco Q. Delgado!

Francisco Q. Delgado is currently working toward his M.A. in English at Brooklyn College. In 2005, he graduated with a degree in Creative Writing from SUNY New Paltz, where he also won the Vincent Tomaselli Short Story Award. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Plain Spoke, Skive, Ghoti Magazine, Boston Literary Magazine, and Underground Voices.

Thanks to everyone who entered the flash fiction contest.

The runner up was "Back Seat" by Karin Lin-Greenberg.

The winner and runner up will appear in Vol. X.

Other finalists that may appear in MMM Online are:

"Caught" by Karin Lin-Greenberg
"Shine On You Crazy" by Natalie Serber


The other finalists were:
"Aftermath Fragment" by Kayt Hoch
"FishBird" by Allyn Harker
"Regarding Fairies" by Hannah Grindrod
"Easy Road" by Robin Tiffney


Congratulations to the winner of the 2009 MMM Poetry Contest, Margaret Walther!

Margaret Walther is a retired librarian from the Denver metro area and a past president of Columbine Poets, an organization to promote poetry in Colorado. She has taught workshops and has been a guest editor for Buffalo Bones. She has published in many journals, including Connecticut Review, anderbo.com, A cappella Zoo, Fugue and Quarterly West and has poems forthcoming in Nimrod and Naugatuck River Review, where one of her poems has been chosen as a semifinalist in the Narrative Poetry Contest.

Thanks to the final poetry judge, Patricia Smith! (All of the entries were read anonymously.)

The finalist titles in alphabetical order are:

Katie by the Sea

Missing Child: Mystic Connecticut

Natural Causes

Nights with Neighbors

Of Daughters and Mothers

Saskia van Uilenburgh, the Wife of the Artist. c. 1613

The semifinalist titles in alphabetical order are:


Halve, Seed

Letter to Hugo from Somewhere, Anywhere

Monkey Spinning a Prayer Wheel

Past Tense

Schrodinger's Mouse

The Art of Dying Well

The Ride







NEW 2009 Poetry & Flash Fiction Contests:

EXTENDED Deadline: Postmark deadline—June 20, 2009.
Winners announced by October, 2009.


* Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
* Entries may not be previously or simultaneously published.
* All MMM staff members and family of staff members are ineligible.

* $250 cash prize for the best poem & $250 cash prize for the best flash fiction.

* Publication in the 2009-2010 MMM print annual.

* Finalists in each genre will also be considered for publication.


Anonymous judging:

* Do not put your name on your work(s). All entries will be read anonymously.

* Include in your cover letter: (i) your name, (ii) e-mail address and phone number(s), (iii) mailing address, & (iv) the title(s) and genre of your submission.

* If you enter in both categories, please send them in separate envelopes.

* Mark “poetry contest” or “fiction contest” on the envelope.

* Mss. cannot be returned; do not send your only copies.

* Include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to receive the announcement of the winners.

* NEW REQUIREMENT: paper entries must be sent in duplicate.

Entry Fees:
$15 for as many as 5 poems per entry (total submission cannot exceed 10 pages).

$15 for as many as 2 flash fictions (or short-short story under 1,000 words, typed double-spaced).

Entrants get a free subscription!
Make checks payable to: Many Mountains Moving.

Final Poetry Judge: Patricia Smith

Final Flash Fiction Judge: Thaddeus Rutkowski

Send to:
Many Mountains Moving
(Poetry or Flash Fiction) Contest
1705 Lombard St.
Phila. PA 19146

Or via e-mail, send an attachment (RTF, Word, WordPerfect or PDF) to [email protected] without any identification in the ms. itself. Then send a paper cover letter along with a check for $15 exactly as you would with a regular paper submission. (See above). Ms. will be acknowledged as received as soon as the check arrives.

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