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Editorial Board

Director: Jeffrey Ethan Lee

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Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Senior Poetry Editor since 2007

Lee's poetry book, identity papers (Ghost Road Press, 2006) was a 2007 Colorado Book Award finalist []. His first full-length poetry book, invisible sister (Many Mountains Moving Press, 2004) was praised in American Book Review, North American Review, Rain Taxi Review etc. Lee won the 2002 Sow's Ear Poetry Chapbook prize ($1,000) for The Sylf (2003), created identity papers for Drimala Records, published Strangers in a Homeland (chapbook with Ashland Poetry Press, 2001). He also published hundreds of poems, stories and essays in Many Mountains Moving, North American Review, African American Review, American Poetry Review, Xconnect, Crab Orchard Review, Crazyhorse, Crosscurrents, Green Mountain Review, Washington Square, & Other Voices.  He also won the first Tupelo Press award for literary fiction in 2001 for a novel, The Autobiography of Somebody Else. He has a Ph.D. in British Romanticism and an MFA from NYU. A blog link is here.


Thaddeus Rutkowski, Fiction Editor since 2007

Thaddeus Rutkowski grew up in central Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Cornell University and The Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of the novels Tetched ("touched in the head") and Roughhouse. Both books were finalists for an Asian American Literary Award. His stories and poems have been nominated four times for a Pushcart Prize.

His work is anthologized in Up Is Up, but So Is Down: The New York Downtown Literary Scene, 1974-1992, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, and other collections.

He teaches fiction writing at the Writer's Voice of the West Side YMCA in New York and has taught at Pace University, the Hudson Valley Writers Center and the Asian American Writers Workshop.

Visit his author site:


Debra Bokur, Poetry Editor

Debra Bokur served for many years as the poetry editor of Many Mountains Moving. She is an editor, author, filmmaker and award-winning journalist based in Colorado’s high country near Boulder, Colo. Currently, she is the Wellness Editor at the international newsstand publication Healing Lifestyles & Spas Magazine, and a Contributing Editor to Fit Yoga Magazine. Her feature articles cover travel, lifestyle, health, the environment, sustainable living, and politics. She contributes regularly to domestic and international media outlets including Women’s Adventure Travel, Spa Magazine, Yoga Journal, Global Traveler and Experience Life, as well as others. Bokur is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers. She has served as the Editor in Chief, Managing Editor and Senior Editor for several national publications, including American Cowboy Magazine, Tempo, Compass and Bloom Magazine. She is the recipient of awards for journalistic excellence, including the 1996 Frances Buck Sherman Award and multiple awards from the Society of American Travel Writers. She is a contributing author to Spreading the Word: Editors on Poetry (The Bench Press, 2001). She has written, produced and directed a number of short films and plays, and is currently in the editing stage of an original film series about ancient healing traditions from around the world.


Patrick Lawler, Poetry Editor, Ecopoetry & Drama Editor, SUNY ESF, Syracuse , NY.

Patrick Lawler has published three collections of poetry: Feeding the Fear of the Earth (MMM Press, 2006), A Drowning Man is Never Tall Enough (University of Georgia Press) and reading a burning book (Basfal Books). He has been awarded fellowships by the New York State Foundation for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts. In addition to being an Associate Professor at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry where he teaches Environmental Writing and Nature Literature, he teaches creative writing courses at Onondoga Community College. He is also part of the Creative Writing Programat LeMoyne College, where he teaches creative writing, playwriting, and writing for performance.


Frank Hagen, Digital Media Editor & Web assistant editor (details forthcoming)

Brian Patrick Heston, Associate Editor, grew up in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He has a Master’s in English and Writing from the University of New Hampshire and an MFA in Fiction from George Mason University. His poetry has appeared in Pennsylvania English, Confrontation, Slipstream, Cake Train, Poetry Southeast, West Branch, The Bitter Oleander, Many Mountains Moving, Philadelphia Stories, Gargoyle, and Portland Review. His fiction has appeared in Ourstories and Flash!Point. He currently is a TA and Poetry candidate in the MFA program at Rutgers University, Camden, NJ.

T.M. De Vos, Assistant Fiction Editor, is a poet and fiction writer living in New York City. Her work has appeared in Washington Square, Small Spiral Notebook, Yuan Yang: A Journal of Hong Kong and International Writing, Pebble Lake Review, Global City Review, Alimentum: The Literature of Food, The Pedestal Magazine, The Saint Ann's Review, and Ars Medica. She has taught at the University of Michigan, New York University, and in the New York City public school system. She received an MFA in 2004 from NYU and a Hopwood Award in 1999 from the University of Michigan.

Sam Corbo (information forthcoming)


Kathryn Winograd, Poetry Editor and Nonfiction Editor, is the author of Air into Breath, a 2002 Colorado Book Award Winner in Poetry, published by Ashland Poetry Press in 2002. Winograd has been the recipient of a Colorado Artist Fellowship in Poetry, a Rocky Mountain Women’s Institute Associateship, and a co-winner of a Colorado Endowment for The Humanities Grant. Her poetry and creative nonfiction has appeared in literary journals such as Fourth Genre, Hotel Amerika, Literary Mama, River Teeth, Cutthroat, TriQuarterly, The Denver Quarterly, The Colorado Review, The Journal, The Antioch Review, The Ohio Review, Calyx, The Cincinnati Review, Water-Stone, Poets Laureate, Weber Studies and The New Yorker. She has published numerous articles and essays in publications such as Iris: A Journal Abut Women, Bloomsbury Review, The Herb Companion, Mountain Living, Natural Homes Magazine, Adjunct Advocate, and Converge Magazine, as well as children's stories and poems in Cricket magazine and Shoofly: An Audio Magazine for Children. Winograd is also author of Stepping Sideways Into Poetry (Scholastic, Inc), a classroom resource book for K12 teachers. Her work has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Winograd teaches full time for the Arapahoe Community College and serves as core poetry faculty for Ashland University’s low residency MFA program. Winograd received her Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Denver, and an M.F.A. from the University of Iowa. Visit

Interns for (2008-2009)

Brittany Corrigan


Interns for (2008-2009)

Martin Balgach

Amy Bauer

Sam Corbo


Interns for Vol. VIII (2006-2007)

Justin Couch

Gabriel Guerrero

Andrew McCown

Web administrator of

Web-indentured slave, Jeffrey Ethan Lee [email: Jeffrey Ethan Lee]

Updated 06/28/2010

Founder, Naomi Horii

With many thanks to our founding editor/publisher & benefactor, Naomi Horii, whose vision and wisdom made all of this possible since 1994. We continually wish her only the best since she left MMM due to different kinds of priorities at the end of 2004.

Thanks to our Benefactors:

Petee Jung


Jeffery Bahr

Jeffrey Ethan Lee

Malinda Miller

Erik Nilsen

Barbara Sorensen

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