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MMM Online April 2009 Features: Works from the current, forthcoming issue, & past issues: Excerpts from the Li-Young Lee interview by Alec Marsh, poems of the month, story of the month & play of the month.


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May's offerings so far:

Finalists from the 2006 poetry contest.

"Coupled" by Lisa Lewis.


April 2009's offerings are:

"The East Enders" & "The Good Soldier"—poetry by John Jeffire {forthcoming in MMM Vol. X.}

"PAN-FRIED FISH" —poetry by Kate Rogers {forthcoming in MMM Vol. X.}

"Nuclear Toughskins"—2005 Flash Fiction winner by Jeff Fearnside {published in Vol. VII, 2006}


March 2009's offerings are:

the winner of the 2008 Flash Fiction contest, Laura Loomis' "The Sign," and the runner up, Maureen O'Brien's "Sequins and Holes."

Hal Sirowitz's poem, "A Log Cabin From Scratch," {forthcoming in Vol. X.}

Alison Stone's poem, "Hunger," {forthcoming in Vol. X.}


February 2009's poems, story, and play of the month are here:

Joelle Biele's poem "The Idea of Beauty" (in Vol. IX, 2009).

Doug Campbell's flash fiction contest winner from the previous year, "Accidents" (in Vol. IX, 2009judging for the current contest is still ongoing.)

Kayla Cagan short play of the month is "Roller Coaster" (in Vol. IX, 2009).

The December 2008 and January 2009 poems of the month online are Kathryn Winograd's "Van Gogh's St. Remy" & Ira Sukrungruang's "A Fat Sestina" (MMM Vol VII, 2006).

The first story of the month won our first Flash Fiction prize, Jeff Fearnside's "Nuclear Toughskins" (MMM Vol VII, 2006).

The first play of the month online is Lori-Nan Engler's A Bedtime Story.




Lori-Nan Engler, playwright/actress in MMM Vol. IX, 2008-2009

Photo Lori-Nan Engler playwright actress


Roosevelt University during AWP Chicago, Feb. 2009: AUDIO of the MMM Press Authors & the 2008 poetry prize winner: Anne-Marie Cusac, Patrick Lawler, Jeffrey Ethan Lee & Brian Brodeur

The winner of the 2008 poetry contest is Brian Brodeur's "The Clearing."

Excerpts from the Li-Young Lee interview by Alec Marsh.

Jeffrey Ethan Lee's radio interview with Alec Marsh on WMUH 91.7 Allentown June 2008

An Interview with Susan Settlemyre Williams by Kimberly L. Becker


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